Salon d'Maria Opens
Published on Friday, 13 February 2009 17:42
 Salon d'Maria opened Thursday in the town center. Pictured from left to right: stylist Angelo LaGrasta, owner Jean Mastandrea, Carola Seminario of LuLu Cosmetics, skin-care therapist Nora Carrillo and stylist Christine Kelly. Click here for previous story on the salon.
Sculptor to Start Relief of Annunciation for Oratory Thursday
Published on Wednesday, 11 February 2009 18:09
 Sculptor Marton Varo is putting the finishing touches on a 5:1 scale model of the marble relief of The Annunciation. The first strike of the chisel for the actual sculpture will be at 11 a.m. Thursday on the university mall and all are welcome to attend.
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Work Begins on Annunciation Sculture for Oratory
Published on Thursday, 12 February 2009 20:00
 Sculptor Marton Varo chiseled the first chip out of a12-ton block of marble on the university mall Thursday morning, beginning the project to sculp a bas relief of The Annunciation for the oratory.
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Grammar & Prep Receives Library Grant
Published on Tuesday, 10 February 2009 01:35
 Headmaster Dan Guernsey accepts a $1,000 check from Christina Prieto of the Build-a-Bear Workshop Bear Hugs Foundation.
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