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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida



Big Book Sale at Canizaro Library

The Canizaro Library is holding a "giant book sale" Tuesday and Wednesday, Feb. 10-11 from 9 a.m. to 1 a.m. Other than a few specially-priced books, all hardcovers are $1.00 and paperbacks 50 cents. For the most part, these books are duplicates that were donated and will not be placed in the collection.

Aquinas Center Conference a "great success"

hahn"Wonderful, a great success," is how organizer Matthew Levering described the just-completed conference on Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas."  Scott Hahn (right) was one of scores of scholars who Dr. Levering says were highly impressed with Ave Maria.

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Aquinas Center Conference Begins Thursday


Robert Louis Wilken (left) of the University of Virginia, author of The Spirit of Early Christian Thought, will deliver the keynote Thursday at 7 p.m. for  the conference whose theme is Reading Romans with St. Thomas Aquinas. An ecumenical group of scholars from the around the world will be speaking.
Click here for conference details or to register

Grammar and Prep Receives Large Donation; Will be Renamed

donahue2In recognition of a multi-million-dollar gift from Naples philanthropist Jack Donahue and his wife, Rhodora (right), the school will be renamed the Rhodora J. Donahue Academy of Ave Maria.
Click for story from Naples Daily News

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Holocaust Survivors Tell Their Stories

Rosette Gerbosi was 13 when her parents were taken from Paris to Auschwitz. She never heard from them again and to this day does not know how they died. "I stress three messages," she told an audience at AMU Monday afternoon. "How important it is to: cherish your family, value the freedoms in the U.S. and respect people's differences." (Above: Mrs. Gerbosi with survivor Jacques Van Dam)

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Looking for the truth about
what Ave Maria is really like?
So much of what has been
reported is wrong.
Click for the most
oft-repeated myths about
Ave Maria and the reality.