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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida



The Bean Marks Its 1st Year

Residents of all ages turned out Saturday night for Customer Appreciation Night at The Bean of Ave Maria. Owners Daniel and Monica Dix invited residents to join their family to celebrate. Above, Daniel's father, Victor, with Monica, Daniel's mother, Carolyn, and Daniel with children Bella, Josie and Gigi.

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Paul Todd Draws Crowd to Town Center

Popular entertainer Paul Todd performed for hundreds of people in front of the oratory Saturday. He next performs at Ave Maria on Valentine's Day, 2009.

Update: Sr. Theresa Scheuren, RIP

"She edified all of us by her presence, her good humor, and her cheerful acceptance of suffering," said Fr. Garrity, remembering Sr. Theresa who died Sunday morning after a long illness. A funeral Mass will be Thursday, 4 p.m., at the oratory preceded by a wake at 2:30 p.m. The 5:15 p.m. Mass Thursday is canceled. A reception will follow the funeral Mass.

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AMU Granted SACS Candidacy

"This is truly a great day for the university," said Chancellor Tom Monaghan after Ave Maria was awarded candidacy status by  the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. "We have been working toward this goal for many years and are excited for what this means for the university community, especially our students."
Click here for announcement from AMU
Click here for story from the Naples Daily News

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Celebration of Lights Packs Piazza

With near-perfect weather, the 2nd annual Celebration of Lights drew a large crowd of people from throughout the area. Above, the marching band from Immokalee High School performs in front of the oratory.

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Looking for the truth about
what Ave Maria is really like?
So much of what has been
reported is wrong.
Click for the most
oft-repeated myths about
Ave Maria and the reality.