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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida


Lessons and Carols Performed at the Oratory

choir3The third performance of a Festival of Lessons & Carols resounded in the oratory Sunday with a program of choral works, hymns, readings and finishing with Handel's Hallelujiah! from The Messiah.

The afternoon concert featured The Ave Maria University Choir as well as the Chamber Choir and Women's Schola Gregoriana, accompanied by organ and a 12-piece chamber orchestra. (Right, Dr. Susan Treacy directing the Woman's Schola with the full choir behind them)

Lectors for readings included an undergraduate student, graduate student, university professors and administrators and the parish administrator.

The event drew people from across southern Florida, including dozens who came from the Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach area.

Below, the full choir under the direction of Dr. Timothy McDonnell.



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