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The Ave Herald

Serving the community of Ave Maria, Florida


Welcome to The Ave Herald

If you live in Ave Maria, please register so that you can participate in discussion areas, post calendar items and receive special notifications.

If you are interested in visiting Ave Maria, check out the Visiting Ave Maria section for tips on things to do as well as a history of the town. If you're thinking about living in Ave Maria or simply interested in the town, The Ave Herald will keep you up to date with what is going on in the community.

If you know of, or are planning an event that is not currently in The Ave Herald calendar, please submit details here or email them to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .

The Ave Herald Goods and Services Directory provides information on businesses that serve residents of Ave Maria. Basic listings in the directory are free to any business located in the town of Ave Maria; there is a modest charge for other businesses. If you want your business listed, please email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. with details and contact information. 

The Ave Herald is an independent publication, and has no affiliation with Ave Maria University, Ave Maria Development Company, Barron Collier, Pulte Homes or any other commercial entity.  It is published by David Shnaider and Patricia Sette, who were among the earliest residents of the town of Ave Maria. Both have extensive backgrounds in print, broadcast and online media with companies that include wire services, magazines, broadcast networks and online and internet companies.

We welcome comments and suggestions at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. .


Looking for the truth about
what Ave Maria is really like?
So much of what has been
reported is wrong.
Click for the most
oft-repeated myths about
Ave Maria and the reality.