Local Knights of Columbus Help Immokalee Food Bank
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Published on Monday, 27 July 2015 12:13
A donation from the Ave Maria Knights of Columbus council has helped Guadalupe Social Services in Immokalee carry on its mission to the needy.
The Knights donated $1,000 that enabled the organization to purchase a new refrigerator for its food bank. Pictured, Council Grand Knight Ed Sweeney and Chancellor Don Imbus presenting the check to Tricia Yeggy, Director of Guadalupe Social Services, Catholic Charities, Diocese of Venice.
The Immokalee food bank is one of a number of charities supported by the local council, which installed new officers earlier in July.
Pictured below are New Ave Maria K of C Council 14692 officers, left to right:
Ernie Mitchell, Trustee; Ed Sweeney, Grand Knight; Mike Hallenbeck, Recorder; Rod Miller, Inside Guard; Ron Shapiro, Financial Secretary; Chris Buccheri, Trustee; Steve Roser, Treasurer; Don Imbus, Chancellor; Bob Wunker, Advocate; Deacon John Jarvis, Lector; Tim Brennan, Warden; Mark Fein, State Warden. (not pictured: Carlos Figueroa, Deputy Grand Knight).