Success! Work Will Start Soon on Ave Maria Parish Center
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Published on Monday, 13 July 2015 23:44
The Ave Maria quasi parish will finally get a gathering space for parish activities now that a capital campaign to raise the money needed to build out space in the town center has reached a successful conclusion.
Parish Administrator Fr. Cory Mayer (below left) said Monday that the parish achieved its goal of raising $250,000 to build out and lease space at the corner of Annunciation Circle and Pope John Paul II Blvd. (right) that can be used for parish meetings, faith formation classes, social events and "fellowship after Sunday Mass."
There will be room for about 100 people in the 1750-square-foot center, Fr. Mayer said.
He thanked parishioners for their generosity. Although the parish received an anonymous donation of $100,000, the balance of the money was donated by individual members of the parish, Fr. Mayer said.
He plans to make a formal announcement at Masses Aug. 2, after he returns from two separate retreats with the parish youth group and diocesan seminarians.
Fr. Mayer's goal is to have the center open by Christmas, but much will depend on Collier County's notorious permitting process. Whenever it is, though, Fr. Mayer said, "I look forward to that ribbon cutting!"