In La Piazza...

Mariana Shnaider (at right in picture) received her license as a cosmetologist in the State of Florida and now is providing services at Salon d'Maria in the Ave Maria town center. At left in picture is salon owner Jean Mastandrea.
Around Del Webb...
By June McCann
On Land and Sea... Del Webb members had a busy spring with lots to do and places to go. In April neighbors and friends said good bye to those who were heading north for the summer months. Pictured right, at the End of Season Party April 13 (from left) Melissa Fagin, Ken Belden, Vicki Dean, Charley Fagin and Bob Bacheller enjoy a parting drink.
In May a three-day trip to Key West arranged by Del Webb's Tina Raymond was enjoyed by an adventurous group! Pictured (below left) outward bound on the high seas are, from left, Jay Zebora, Jan
Rau, Pat Kleinrichert and Gwen Moore. Sightseeing and good food were the orders of the days, while the evenings were reserved for sunset watching at various points on this popular island. Shown(below right) gathering with Tina for dinner are Dot Leibowitz, Jay Zebora, Gladys Zebora, Bob Bacheller, Ric Moore, Ginny Davis, Jerry Davis, Sue Peterson, Dave Peterson, Joyce Cheek, Dave Samuel, Carolena Samuel, Melissa Fagin, Charley Fagin, Judy Prowant and Del Prowant.

Along with the Art Club that meets every Friday morning, special craft classes designed with Members' interests in mind are scheduled monthly. Below, at the Fused Glass Workshop are, from left, Maria Belden, Pat Higgins, Ginny Davis, and instructor Karen Vernon.

A very popular way to get some exercise is the monthly Beach Walk and Breakfast arranged by Tina. Right, Dot Leibowitz, Tecie Manton and Bob Bachelller enjoy the rays on a typical Southwest Florida morning.
Meeting with His Holiness Pope Francis I... "We pray for you...Bring all the world to Christ." With these words Del Webb members Ann and Jim Longon greeted Pope Francis I at the
meeting of the Papal Foundation at the Vatican April 11. The Papal Foundation was launched 25 years ago in the United States and its funds are used to support the formation of clergy and religious in developing countries as well as to provide medical assistance, education, shelter and employment opportunities for the poor. Pictured left, the Longons greet Pope Francis who thanked every member personally for their contribution to the Church. With Pope Francis and the Longons is the head of the Papal Foundation, Cardinal Donald Wuerl, the Archbishop of Washington, D.C.
A further linking of our community here at Del Webb with the Vatican in Rome was the meeting of Father Robert W. Oliver with His Holiness Pope Francis I (below right). Father Robert is the son of Del Webb resident Jinny Oliver, a very proud Mom indeed. Father Bob is the
Promoter of Justice for the Congregation of the Doctrine of the Faith, an office often referred to as "chief prosecutor" who is charged with investigating the most serious crimes against canon law.
Catching the Big One...There's a lot of angling going on around Del Webb! On a guided fishing trip through Everglades National Park,
Gwen Moore was able to hook this very respectably-sized snook. "They are protected and cannot be kept," Gwen reported, "and fortunately we brought home some red fish, mangrove snapper and sea trout." Denny Budzbanowski and Don Imbus were on the fishing expedition also. Don also tries his fishing
good luck around the ponds of Ave Maria, as this photo shows. Angling with his son Tim Brennan, this 20-inch large mouth bass was hooked on a rubber worm. Like all fish Tim and Don catch locally, this five pound beauty was released to "fight another day."
Previous Around the Neighborhoods - April 2013