We want to wish all our friends and neighbors the best for Christmas and the New Year. As the year draws to a close, it seems a good time to announce that we have ceased regular updates of the online news site which, for nine years, has been Ave Maria's only independent news source. We want to thank the thousands of readers who have turned to the Herald over the years, and note our special appreciation for the advertisers who have supported the site. Click here to read a letter from us with more information. (pictured, the Festival of Lights in 2009)
- David and Patricia
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 There's now a pediatrician practicing in Ave Maria. Dr. Emily Walkey, a board-certified pediatrician, now is seeing patients from birth through their college years at the Braden Clinic in the town center,
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A ve Maria lost a beloved character, whom many said embodied the spirit of the town in its early years, when Ernie Mitchell died Saturday about a month shy of his 95th birthday.
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 Residents and former classmates remembered Luke Scheck as a fun, smart and engaging young man following news of his death Monday morning at age 22.
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 Electrical power began being restored in Ave Maria Tuesday evening and residents and businesses began planning for a return to more normal operations in the wake of Hurricane Irma. (above, there was a long line when the town Publix, which has emergency power, reopened Tuesday)
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 Hurricane Irma largely spared Ave Maria with no significant structural damage or injuries reported by Monday afternoon. Power remained out late Monday with no indication from LCEC when it would return, although sporadic cell phone service did resume.
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 Many have already left town, others plan to leave but a large number of residents intend to stay put as Hurricane Irma threatens this weekend. Collier County has ordered mandatory evacuations starting at 1 p.m. Friday for Everglades City, Goodland and Chokoloskee.
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Strong home sales continue, new businesses are opening and plans for new developments such as an apartment complex are firming up.
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A lawsuit against the directors of the Rhodora Donahue Academy in Ave Maria and AMU President Jim Towey was withdrawn Thursday, July 6 – the same day the sale of the school by AMU to the Diocese of Venice for $1 million was officially recorcded in Collier County records.
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A revised way of calculating homeowner assessments for operations and maintenance, necessitated by changes in projections for the final development of Ave Maria, will raise annual payments by $26 per household.
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The school's founding headmaster will be returning as principal following the purchase of the academy by the Diocese of Venice, Pastor Fr. Mayer announced to a meeting of parents at Donahue Wednesday night. The announcement drew a sustained standing ovation.
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 The CD entitled "I heard a voice from heaven" features nine pieces of sacred choral music – some of which have never been recorded before – written by composers from the Iberian peninsula.
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The diocese and Ave Maria University announced Friday that the diocese is purchasing the k-12 school which has faced a number of challenges during the last few years.
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 Ave Maria University's largest graduating class to date included the first graduates of the school's nursing program.
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 Now that the newly-formed Ave Maria Parish owns the landmark church in the center of town, Pastor Fr. Cory Mayer is turning attention to how the parish will pay for the purchase and maintenance of the iconic structure. He has announced that former Ave Maria University fundraising chief Carol Carpenter will lead that effort as the director of parish advancement. (above, Fr. Mayer and Mrs. Carpenter)
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Mr. Klucik became the first resident on the five-member board to be directly elected by residents of Ave Maria when he was sworn in at the district's board meeting Tuesday.
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Peter Atkinson, a former actor with AMU's Shakespeare in Performance who now teaches at Donahue Academy, says the coming Shakespeare performances that he's directing there promises to be enjoyable across a variety of age ranges.
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Long-time Ave Maria resident Robb Klucik won the first popular vote election for a seat on the board of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District Tuesday, winning nearly 70 percent of the votes cast. He will be sworn in at the board's next meeting Tuesday, May 2.
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 Thirty-one children received the Sacrament of Communion for the first time Sunday at the Ave Maria Parish Church. (above, Vernonica Dinan receives the sacrament from Fr. Cory Mayer)
 The first town-wide election to choose a member of the Ave Maria Stewardship Community District Board is Tuesday, April 25. About three dozen residents came to the Master Association offices Tuesday to meet the three candidates, above: Robb Klucik, Kyle Armstrong and Jeff Fenuccio.
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